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Orangutan (Lancashire Hot Pot, 1978)
Lawson : A very "Mike" piece, much appreciated by the cast, but someone in the audience can be …

Winning the Title Race
Tim Stevens : I thought the pun-titles sometimes lacked imagination and/or humour, especially the ones …

Nuns and Lovers memorabilia
Tim Stevens : Definitely a pre-loved item!

Nuns and Lovers memorabilia
Lawson : The Johnny Bloody Awful T shirt and armband turned up when clearing my mum's house after …

Tim's Song (Lonsdale intro week, 1977)
Tim Stevens : No idea what I did here, but in a rowdy JCR setting it was unlikely to have been one …

Lawson : I suspect that some sort of blame can be attributed to me. After all, George did vote …

Tim Stevens : Was Keith's choice (above) of the word "millstone" instead of "milestone" an intended …

Religious Advertising (When The Boot Goes In, 1977)
Tim Stevens : I seemed to slip seamlessly into this role of a smarmy ad man, sounding suspiciously …

Can We Have Our Money Back facts
Tim Stevens : Looking back, I still never fail to be amazed at how we started the Group at the end …

Instrumental: Sundew (The Left Handed Screwdriver Show, 1976)
Tim Stevens : Listen out for another waggish individual at the start of the recording, hoping to kick …

Instrumental: Still Orchard Ground (Can We Have Our Money Back, 1976)
Tim Stevens : Some waggish individual apparently thought this was another comedy item when I first …

Rodrigo Borgia Invites reviews
Tim Stevens : I think it is worth pointing out that when the review on the left resurfaced in 2015, …

Beethoven (Haley's Vomit, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Yes you're right - I wondered about four cast members, so that probably scuppers my theory …

Beethoven (Haley's Vomit, 1977)
Lawson : Absolute blank on this one too! If that's the entire joke, why would it have needed FOUR …

Beethoven (Haley's Vomit, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Can't remember this one - was it that one where Beethoven complains to Hans that he has …

Wits My Line (Nuns and Lovers, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Another example of me thinking deliberately unfunny things are funny. Not so. Listening …

University Challenge (Golden Mouldies, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Yeh, okay, I fancied I could do Paul Douglas' scouse accent. Nobody seemed to object. …

Disaster (When The Boot Goes In, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Was anyone NOT in this sketch...?

Cockney Couple (Golden Mouldies, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Linda's cockney was way better than mine (cf. me and Brian in Slice o'Pie) further proving …

Darkness (The Free Tenth Unit, 1976)
Tim Stevens : One or two reasonable jokes at the start - this might have been a good sketch if only …

Cricket Commentary (The Left Handed Screwdriver Show, 1976)
Tim Stevens : Just noticed the person at the extreme left of the photos, clearly asleep! Obviously …

Abusive Man (Nuns and Lovers, 1977)
Lawson : The only one of the (four) "man" sketches which worked. Shocking typecasting having me …

Gunfight at Lonsdale JCR (Spar Wars, 1978)
Lawson : So who wrote this? One of several Spar Wars sketches I've not been able to reliably attribute …

Horror Film quickie 2 (Nuns and Lovers, 1977)
Lawson : I'd forgotten that. The original ending does look a bit clunky. The script above comes …

Duck (Can We Have Our Money Back, 1976)
Tim Stevens : I think I did this one, as well as its reprise in "Mouldies".

Gunfight at Lonsdale JCR (Spar Wars, 1978)
Tim Stevens : This was the second time I was cast as John Wayne (I previously did him in "Sunday Afternoon …

Dracula (Spar Wars, 1978)
Lawson : It was indeed. In fact it's just vaguely audible on the recording, at about 6m 45s. Certainly …

Duck (Golden Mouldies, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Goodness me, this one had some mileage. Never really understood the joke personally, …

Money For The Mortgage (Can We Have Our Money Back, 1976)
Tim Stevens : Legs to the fore...

Music: Mood For A Day (Comedy and Music evening, 1976)
Tim Stevens : Can't have been any Yes fans in the audience that night as I got away with this version …

Dracula (Spar Wars, 1978)
Tim Stevens : Was this the sketch where Lawson (as Dracula) treated us one night to probably the best …

Horror Film quickie 2 (Nuns and Lovers, 1977)
Tim Stevens : If memory serves, the ending of this sketch was changed to: "...not since they put Watney …

Campbell Bannerman song (When The Boot Goes In, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Immense fun to do. Probably the nearest the group ever got to a full-on musical-style …

Kick The Squirrel
Tim Stevens : Much to remember fondly about this great and good institution. Much fun, madness and …

Tim Stevens : Hey Maddie! Where you at these days? Be great if you could get back in touch. Could we …

Sherlock Holmes (Lonsdale intro week, 1978)
Tim Stevens : I had done before it in Haley's Vomit (qv).

Sherlock Holmes (Haley's Vomit, 1977)
Tim Stevens : I took over the part of Percy The Gardner (originally played by Steve Hutchings) and …

Sequel to the 'Mortgage' (The Left Handed Screwdriver Show, 1976)
Admin : I've added your name as the writer, Tim.

University Interview (Can We Have Our Money Back, 1976)
Tim Stevens : I remember during rehearsals Geoff saying that the sketch "needed a few more jokes in …

Clique Report (Haley's Vomit, 1977)
Tim Stevens : A disastrous revamp of the original campus version, as we mistakenly thought the jokes …

Song: Lenny Lenny (Spar Wars, 1978)
Tim Stevens : This song marked my stage debut of singing as well as playing the guitar. Seems I got …

Sequel to the 'Mortgage' (The Left Handed Screwdriver Show, 1976)
Tim Stevens : I think I thought of this ridiculous little sequel. How it got a laugh I'll never know …

Slice o'Pie (The Left Handed Screwdriver Show, 1976)
Tim Stevens : They said my Yorkshire accent was better than Brian's (who was a Yorkshireman). Exaggeration …

War and Peace (Nuns and Lovers, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Alongside "Clique Report", easily my best-known role. Hugely enjoyable to do (especially …

Lawson : Just noticed your comment Maddie (only a year late!). I'm guessing you're referring to …

Abusive Man (Nuns and Lovers, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Ok, these three sketches were a bit poor, but this one still makes me laugh for some …

Cricket Commentary (The Left Handed Screwdriver Show, 1976)
Tim Stevens : Essentially a parody of the then Radio 4 Test Match Special characters (who were by and …

Occupation (Nuns and Lovers, 1977)
Tim Stevens : Such a simple gag. Such a big laugh. Wish they were all as easy.

Newspaper Seller (The Road To Morecambe Pier, 1979)
Tim Stevens : This sketch lived on way beyond this show. I performed it myself many times in my post …

Kojak-Columbo (Can We Have Our Money Back, 1976)
Tim Stevens : The sketch that nearly got me banned from the group before I even started! More rewrites …

Clique Report (The Free Tenth Unit, 1976)
Tim Stevens : This was my only acting role in the show I produced, but probably ended up being my signature …

Pick Up Agency (When The Boot Goes In, 1977)
Tim Stevens : This sketch was vaguely inspired by my academic studies psychology, and was …

Ralph and Frances (The Left Handed Screwdriver Show, 1976)
Tim Stevens : I wrote this sketch partly as a sequel to our successful pairing in "John & Mary", but …

mhobern : Or even 'this'

mhobern : Bloody Hell! Where did thgis come from? Maddie x

Golden Mouldies photos
Lawson : Nuffield photos taken during rehearsals by Dave Bradbury.

Joppa beach, Edinburgh (2/9/1977) photos
Lawson : As evidenced by the picture of Tim, we both had cameras with us in Edinburgh, yet neither …

Ingleton trip (24/3/1976) photos
Lawson : Only two photos from this trip? Does anybody have more?

Miscellaneous photos
Lawson : Some rare pictures of the County Six here. Well, five of them anyway.