About This Site

This site has been developed to record as many as possible of the facts and physical artefacts relating to Lancaster University Revue Group, a student comedy society active between 1976 and 1991. A wealth of original material still exists, particularly from the Group's early days in the late 1970s. Numerous scans and photos of this material are now available to browse here, much of it seeing the light of day for the first time in about 40 years. Even the LURG cheque book and office door name plate are here !!

As the project has progressed, its scope has expanded to incorporate substantial photographic and audio archives:

More recently, the site has also been expanded to document the Kick The Squirrel Roadshow, a LURG/CAG spinoff, which took performers out into the community, at a wide variety of venues between 1979 and 1985.

A major objective is to directly involve ex-LURG members. You will find numerous "contribute" links around the site, where anyone can submit information or corrections. Additionally, many pages include a comment feature. [Note: The latter feature has necessitated inclusion of a registration/login system, to keep spammers at bay. However, registration is quick and simple, so please join up now.]

While much of the site's content leans heavily towards the Group's early years, a very conscious effort has been made to document LURG's entire history. Some success has been achieved in identifying the Group's main performances at the Nuffield Theatre, along with basic details of later visits to Edinburgh. However, much information and material is still needed on this front, as summarised on the Wanted! page. Appeals for more specific information are also listed on the Unanswered Questions page.


The site has been developed by Lawson Wakefield, the Group's 2nd president (winner of LURG's Best Moaner award, 1977). Lawson is married to Linda, another former LURG member (winner of LURG's Biggest Moaner award, 1979 - oh the fun we have together!). Lawson would like to thank the following people for their assistance: Tim Stevens, Mike Day, George Green, Keith Macdougall, Jock Turner, Chris Mapp, Alistair Gault, Paul Bingle, Neil Sedley, James Bland, Vincent Jones, John Freeman, Charles Augarde, Jackie Mulligan, Mark Oswin, Liz Cruwys.